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Showing posts from September, 2012

Super Swe-e-e-e-e-t Award

I'm flattered to have received a Super Swe-e-e-e-t Award from Jeanette Anderson on September 20 (sorry for the delay in getting this up Jeanette but it is greatly appreciated)!  Her mission is to make people laugh, cry, shout, smile, frown and just enjoy reading so check out her blog and see if it works! The Guidelines: So, once I accept this award, the guidelines state that: First:  I must thank the person who nominated me... of course, that's the proper thing to do! Thanks Jeanette! Second: Answer the Super Sweet Questions (that follow below). Third: Nominate a baker's dozen (13) to receive this award (if you can't find 13 that's okay... just find as many as you can). “Super Sweet” Questions:   1. Cookies or Cake?    Cookies. Especially my mother-in-law's special oatmeal cookies!  Even tastier when eaten at the cottage. 2. Chocolate or Vanilla?     Vanilla, with lots of fresh berries. ...

Back to ‘Normal’ Routine

--> Morning Coffee... part of my writing routine When you make a habit of straddling two countries sometimes it’s hard to tell exactly what is ‘normal’.   Yesterday, as I sat on my balcony with my coffee and checked my emails I realized I was slowly getting back to ‘Thai normal’ after our summer in Canada.   No, the jet lag hasn’t completely gone away as I’m only into the fifth day of what is going to be an 11 day recovery process for me according to all the literature on how long it takes…. one day for every hour of time zone change… but we’re getting there. As much as I’m an adventurer and love to travel, I also relish my routine and when it’s out of whack for any length of time, I go through a sort of withdrawal.   I'm now back at my desk, with my coffee and picture of my loving husband to my right and my trusty muse Zorro either to the left of me snoozing away on his ‘half’ of my desk or directly behind me so I have to pause to look around before I...