I’ve been reading a lot lately about
transitioning from one genre of writing to another. Seems that there are those out there who feel
like it’s either or. What if, in the
middle of a transition, you find that halfway through is a great place to
be? I’ve found a very happy place part
way between corporate copy writing and book writing (both fiction and
non-fiction). The latter is a very new development for me (my first book is
coming out in December) and I’ve found the process very stimulating.
I was preparing for a blog interview with
my publisher (who wrote a great blog recently about Crossing Genres) and she asked if the process of writing a book had helped with my
business. Well, since my ‘business’ is copy writing my answer was a resounding
YES! It’s okay to have a niche, or an area of expertise but I am finding that
breaking out of that mould every once in a while energises the creative juices
and injects a whole new perspective into your writing when you switch
back. Even when writing for corporate
communications, it’s important to shake it up every once in a while.
As I work on the marketing plan for my book
(@Home in Dubai) that is launching next month and simultaneously juggle my copy
writing clients and peck away at my first novel with National Novel WritingMonth (NaNoWriMo), one of the NaNo cheerleaders gave some great advice – just
keep writing! And, that’s what I intend
to do.
Anyone else out there found a halfway happy
place? How is it working out? Or, is it?