I know this is a bit off-topic for me but I can’t hold myself back. I have to rant just a little bit. So, when did cold calling become popular again? Maybe this is just a Dubai phenomenon but I’d love to hear if other people are seeing an upsurge in annoying, non-invited calls on their mobile phones. I get it that marketers are pulling out all the stops and it’s really difficult to rise above the cacophony of messages flying around the real and virtual worlds but please, target your markets more carefully. Cold calling clients…it’s never been a good idea in my books but when you do it you better know your stuff…especially who you’re calling. I got a call the other day from a hotel conference manager saying he wanted to share with me the great deals they had on meeting room bookings… “for all the big conferences hitting this region.” Well, I might be inclined to book a small boardroom for my writing workshops but I certainly wouldn’t need a co...
After 20 years in PR I decided it was time to...just write. Now, I am a published, award-winning author, developmental book editor, author mentor and partner publisher (www.ocpublishing.ca). I post thoughts on my writer's journey and share my experiences as an author, editor and publisher and highlight the books of authors I am publishing. I welcome guest bloggers and do author interviews. Enjoy my blog and feel free to comment.